Query only page (VERSION 1)

Please use version 2

Basic Usage:

  1. Add the jquery and djValidator scripts:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="DjValidator.js"></script>

    Download from repository

    The plugin is also available on Npm and Bower .

    npm i djvalidator

  2. Place validation rules you need:
    <input name="input1" type="text" data-dj-validator="atext,3,12" required>

    Add validation rule in form fields with the data-dj-validator attribute, use the required attribute when the field is required:

    Show here all available validators.

  3. Use the plugin in any of these modes:

    Submit:Validation is executed in submit event, making automatic sending when form is valid, it also serves to validate fields, it is the default value:


    Callback:Validation is executed in submit event, avoids sending and executes parameter function if it is valid:

    				alert("Callback executed when the form is valid.");

    Function:Validation is executed immediately as a function, returns true or false depending on the result:

    var resp=$('#form').djValidator('validate');

    Field:Validation is done only on a field at the moment of executing the plugin, returns true or false according to the result:

    var resp=$('#input1').djValidator('field');

    Clean(v1.1.0):Delete all validation messages placed by the validator (cleaning):
