Available options

The plugin can be configured using the following options:

//default values:
		mode: 'submit',
		blur: true,
		decorate: true,
		border_color: 'red',
		style:'display:none; color:red; text-align:inherit; font:italic bold .9em sans-serif',
		template:'<p class="dj-validator-msg" style="$style">$msg</p>',
		request_method: 'post',
		success: function($form){return true;}
Option Allowed values Description


“Submit” (default)

Specifies how the plugin will be executed:

submit : Validation is executed in the submit event, blocking the submission when there are invalid values, it can also be used to validate a single field.

function : The validation is executed as a function call immediately, it only returns: true, false or null (in validations with ajax). A single form is invoked and the form must be submitted manually, either in the success event of the plugin or using the result in external code.

clean : Immediately clean the form of the validation and decoration messages.

blur: Activates field-by-field validation in blur events, can only be used in conjunction with the "function" mode .


true (default)

Activate field-by-field validation in blur events, equivalent to "blur" mode , but only works when the mode is "submit".



Activate input decoration when its value is not valid, the decoration consists of changing the border color according to “border_color” property.


“red” (default)
css color specification (by name or hexadecimal value)

Define the border color for decorating invalid fields.


Default value:
“display: none; color: net; text-align: inherit; font: italic bold .9em sans-serif ”

Define css style of validation messages.

You can place display: none; to activate the FadeIn effect in messages.


Default value:
“<p class =" dj-validator-msg "style =" $style "> $msg </p>”

Define html template of the validation messages, in "$style" mark the value of the "style" property is inserted and in $msg mark the validation message is inserted.

The class "dj-validator-msg" must be preserved to identify and delete validation messages


"Post" (default)

Defines the communication method when validations are performed on server.


function ($ form) {return true;}

Submit ” mode : Defines the function to be executed when the form is valid, by default the form is sent automatically when the validation returns true.

Function ” mode : It is not executed, except when validation is used on the server, in this case it is required to declare this function.